Thursday, June 1, 2017

Watch for House Finch Eye Disease (Mycoplasmal Conjunctivitis)

House Finch Eye Disease (Mycoplasmal Conjunctivitis)

Watch for:
- Birds with crusty, red, swollen eyes.
- Birds that appear blind in one or both eyes.

- Affects many species, not just House Finches. I have witnessed this disease in California Towhees, Evening Grosbeak, Lesser Goldfinch, Dark-eyed Juncos.
- Some birds heal on their own, but many go blind and die from depredation or starvation.

Preventative action:
- Clean and disinfect feeders. Be sure to clean feeders regularly.
- Don't allow wet seed to clump and mold inside feeder. Use a rain cover or bring feeders inside during rainy weather.
- Rake ground below feeders.
- Take down feeders for awhile to let sick birds disperse.

Further reading:

Dark-eyed Junco in the beginning stage of House Finch Eye Disease